Category Archives: SILAS MORLOCK

Silas Morlock: In a world where darkness reigns…

Every burned book enlightens the soul

But when the last book burns, what then?

IMAGINE a world where the printed word is dead and books are a forbidden contraband.

Continue reading Silas Morlock: In a world where darkness reigns…

Update: local shops offered online channel to disrupt Amazon’s dominance

Don’t lose your head, support your local indies

Now you can get Citizen Zero and Silas Morlock through Bookshop UK

Thanos thought he was inevitable, so what makes Amazon think it’s any different? A new venture is seeking to harness online power to disrupt the retail titan’s hold on the books market – and create space for local bookshops to live and breathe

Continue reading Update: local shops offered online channel to disrupt Amazon’s dominance

Gallery: UK Indie Lit Fest 2019

We meet again over the pages of a book… 

HELD at the Kala Sangam Arts Centre in Bradford, West Yorkshire, the latest UK Indie Lit Fest proved itself another rip-roaring success. Continue reading Gallery: UK Indie Lit Fest 2019

Blog: One boozy night in the Earth city

The shadow whispered its name

In the last city on Earth, an alien place of densely packed organic sykscrapers, humanity can no longer look up at the stars. In darkness lurks its only hope… Continue reading Blog: One boozy night in the Earth city

Press Release: Silas Morlock casts a dark shadow over Christmas

Inspired Quill presents Hartshill author’s horror debut


STOKE-ON-TRENT, 8 December 2013: Local author Mark Cantrell has made his paperback debut with the publication of his novel, Silas Morlock, released over the weekend by the publisher Inspired Quill. Continue reading Press Release: Silas Morlock casts a dark shadow over Christmas